
Hi there, I’m Woo Fu Cheng (Ethan Woo), born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, currently based in Taiwan. Being exposed to Interior design during my sophomore year, I was amazed by the possibilities of shaping spaces and decided to challenge myself by attempting a transition from graphic design to spatial design. In my four-year academic journey in CYCU Interior Design Department, I have been exploring the possibilities between form and style, planning and expressing my ideas about space. Hoping to become an outstanding designer in the future, continuously challenging the various aspects of design.

你好,我是鄔阜城 (Ethan),來自馬來西亞吉隆坡,目前常駐台灣台北。中學時期接觸到室內設計後,讚嘆於其對空間塑造上的可能性而決意挑戰自己,試著從平面設計轉戰到空間設計。在中原大學室內設計系4年的學習生涯裡,嘗試在造型與風格之間尋求可能性,規劃並表達出對於空間的想法。未來希望能夠成為獨當一面的設計師,繼續挑戰設計的多種面向。

Woo Fu Cheng (Ethan Woo)
From Malaysia/To Taiwan.
Interior/Graphic Design.

Email/ woofucheng@hotmail.my
Instagram/ @woofucheng45 @projectwfc45
Youtube/ Ethan Woo